Harriet’s Butterflies
by Ben Henderson

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4 Responses

  1. Gina Franchetti says:

    Well written and cleverly referenced; keeps the listener engaged to the end

  2. Marina O'Neill (nee Margiotta) says:

    Very interesting and the first time listening to an audio play. Whilst initially not engaging with Harriet, I became intrigued as the play went on. Well worth a listen to the very end.

  3. Mike Calver says:

    This was my first audio play experience and I thoroughly enjoyed the listening. I found the ongoing anticipation in the story line and the final twist most enthralling. I’m planning to listen to The Devil’s often in the Detail next. I’m looking forward to it and very much hope that Mr Henderson continues to provide such enjoyable plays. Thank you.

  4. Michele Fry says:

    I finally finished listening to all 3 parts of this play.. What an unusual ending! Ben is a talented and thoughtful writer and I encourage him to continue..

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