Author: Fylde Audio Theatre


Theatrical Knights by Ben Henderson

This is the fourth of our stories from Ben Henderson, which is based on one of his successful stage plays of the same name. Theatrical Knights is about the complex relationship between Sir Tom...


The Strand Magazine – The Mirror by Léo Lespès

The Strand Magazine This audio recording has been made from the collection of ‘The Strand Magazine: An Illustrated Monthly‘, edited by George Newness and printed in Burleigh Street, Strand, London, from January 1891. The...


Harriet’s Butterflies
by Ben Henderson

Opening Do you remember the one you had last night? No? Like Will – O’ – the – Wisps, aren’t they? Dreams, so universally experienced yet so unique to each and so seemingly unquantifiable....


Half-Past Bedtime
by Sir Henry Howarth Bashford

Half-Past Bedtime, by Sir Henry Howarth Bashford. (1880-1961) Wikipedia: Published: Boston, Houghton Mifflin (1922) The Project Gutenberg EBook Release Date: January 21, 2011 [EBook #35029]. Henry Howarth Bashford was born in Kensington, London...


The Knightsbridge Mystery
by Charles Reade

International Short Stories edited by William Patten The Knightsbridge Mystery by Charles Reade (1814-1884) Wikipedia: Published: P F Collier and Son, New York 1910 The Project Gutenberg eBook Release Date: June 16, 2010...